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James Grenning

James Grenning's trains, coaches and consults worldwide. James' mission is to bring modern technical and management practices to product development teams, especially embedded systems development. He is the author of Test-Driven Development for Embedded C (https://wingman-sw.com/tddec). He is a co-author of CppUTest, a popular unit test harness for embedded C and C++ (http://cpputest.org). He invented Planning Poker, an estimating technique used around the world, and participated in the creation of the Manifesto for Agile Software Development (https://agilemanifesto.org/). His website is https://wingman-sw.com.

SOLID Design for Embedded C

Status: Available Now

C does not have to be spaghetti code. C code can be modular and flexible if you apply the SOLID design principles. Too often design is just about personal preference. In this session we'll see that there are objective qualities that we can use to assess software design. We look at applying Single Responsibility, Open-Closed, Liskov Substitution, Interface Segregation and Dependency Inversion principles to C. SOLID gives good guidance on modularity and coupling; these principles are not just for programmers with an OO language. You can use the SOLID principles to build better C code.

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Live Q&A - SOLID Design for Embedded C

Status: Available Now

Live Q&A with James Grenning for the talk titled SOLID Design for Embedded C

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Test-Driven Development

Status: Available Now

Test-Driven Development is a technical practice that supports Agile's iterative and incremental development cycle. TDD helps you quickly discover mistakes, preventing defects. You weave a test safety net as you grow your product's behavior one test at a time. This safety net supports you now and in the future to help you keep code working as you change it. Oh yeah, don't let me forget to tell you it's fun and once you learn it, you save time and money.

Maybe you have heard of Test-Driven Development but don't quite get it. A good way to understand TDD is to pair program with an experienced practitioner. We will start with a brief overview and demo of Test-Driven Development. In this interactive workshop, you can practice TDD in C. You don't need to install any tools for this workshop. You'll run the exercise on my exercise server. You will know what TDD is after this session. We'll conclude the workshop with a debrief on your experience.

Before attending this workshop, it is highly recommended that you watch this talk from the 2020 Embedded Online Conference.

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Iterative Development: XP, Test-Driven Development and Refactoring

Status: Available Now

Systems are not just developed, deployed and never touched again. Systems evolve. Systems have multiple releases and long lives. This talks gives you a quick look at Extreme Programming, and two of its core technical practices: Test-Driven Development and Refactoring. These are techniques and practices for the real world, where systems evolve.

Watch this intro if you are:

  • tired fixing fires before every release
  • writing code with no where to run it
  • suffering from Scrum being imposed on your group

One lucky viewer will receive complimentary tuition to Wingman Software's self-paced Test-Driven Development Training. All attendees that finish the video in the first wee of the conference, can claim a 50% off coupon.

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Live Q&A - Iterative Development: XP, Test-Driven Development and Refactoring

Status: Available Now

Live Q&A with James Grenning for the theatre talk titled Iterative Development: XP, Test-Driven Development and Refactoring

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Test-Driven Development

Status: Available Now

Test-Driven Development is a technical practice that supports Agile's iterative and incremental development cycle. TDD helps you quickly discover mistakes, preventing defects. You weave a test safety net as you grow your product's behavior one test at a time. This safety net supports you now and in the future to help you keep code working as you change it. Oh yeah, don't let me forget to tell you it's fun and once you learn it, you save time and money.

Maybe you have heard of Test-Driven Development but don't quite get it. A good way to understand TDD is to pair program with an experienced practitioner. We will start with a brief overview and demo of Test-Driven Development. In this interactive workshop, you can practice TDD in C. You don't need to install any tools for this workshop. You'll run the exercise on my exercise server. You will know what TDD is after this session. We'll conclude the workshop with a debrief on your experience.

Before attending this workshop, it is highly recommended that you watch this talk from the 2020 Embedded Online Conference.

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Test-Driven Development for Embedded Software (2020)

Status: Available Now

You've heard about Test-Driven Development but have never tried it or don't quite get it. Test-Driven Development is an important design and problem solving technique that helps software developers improve product quality and the quality of their life. How? By preventing defects, protecting your code from unintended consequences, and giving you warning when your design starts to deteriorate.

In this presentation James describes the problems addressed by TDD. He will define TDD and show you a short example of TDD. He'll tell you some of the benefits you can expect from TDD as well as the challenges of applying TDD to embedded C and C++.

James Grenning is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: TDD for Embedded Happy Hour Embedded Online Conference
Time: May 20, 2020 03:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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May 20, 2020 03:00 PM
May 21, 2020 03:00 PM
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