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Andrew Eliasz

Dr. Andrew Eliasz is the founder of First Technology Transfer (FTT), which he established in the early 1990s with a view to providing specialist, innovative, and highly tailored technical training and consultancy to organizations developing both traditional IT and embedded systems applications. Since then, FTT has built a network of consultants and technologists who collectively provide access to extensive expertise across the complete spectrum of IT and software engineering disciplines.

Dr. Eliasz has over 30 years of experience developing and delivering training courses for companies such as Cap Gemini and gbDirect on topics ranging from C, C++, Unix, Networking, and Perl to advanced databases and systems analysis and design. In that time, he has also been involved in various consultancy projects, including work on the implementation of industrial protocols such as the HART protocol and on the implementation of firmware for fuel cell sensors.

Dr. Eliasz has also written technical articles for hobbyist and trade magazines such as Elektor and Embedded Systems Europe and written papers on Medical Informatics and Expert Systems applied to Medicine. For several years, Dr. Eliasz held an associate professorship in computer science at the University of Maryland (UMUC).

Several years ago, Dr. Eliasz founded Croydon Tutorial College, a community interest company based in south London offering tuition and mentoring in STEM subjects with special interests in Computer Science and Maths. Croydon Tutorial College provides teaching in these subjects to Neurodiverse Students as well as students with dyslexia and dyspraxia problems.

Zephyr RTOS Programming with the BBC Microbit v2

Status: Available Now

When logged in, you should be able to find and download, in the left column and under 'Files Provided by the Speaker', the 'Slides and Code' zip file.

Introducing Zephyr RTOS IoT programming and embedded C Programming using the BBC Microbit. A practical workshop suitable for makers, artists, and inventors.

Requirements to “follow along” and try out the examples.

1. Have nRF Connect SDK installed and also the required toolchains, Python and python packages required by West and Zephyr, and CMake, and, also Cmake.


2. Download the BBC Microbit examples from Frank Duigan’s github site


3. Setup a CLI (Command Line Interface) Zephyr development (build) environment using Chocolatey on Windows.

Useful guide : https://zafersn.medium.com/quick-zephyr-os-setup-guide-for-stm32-mcus-on-windows-4f11a8074632

[ The Zephyr BBC Microbit examples do not (currently) play nicely with the nRF Connect SDK plugin for VSCode ]

4. Get hold of a BBC Microbit v2 (v2.2) board and a USB cable e.g. from adafruit


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